Writer / Musician / Educator

About: Becky Fine-Firesheets is a writer, musician, freeschooler, urban homesteader, and program coordinator for “From Cannabis to Cuisine” at CUNY. Whenever possible, she is at the beach or in the woods.

Writing: Becky’s work spans music journalism, fiction, creative nonfiction, and scholarly essays. Her publications can be found in the Rumpus, MUTHA Magazine, Lumen Magazine, and Serving House Journal, among others. Her short story, The Roof, was nominated for a 2014 Best of the Net Award, and in 2018, she was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. In 2020, she won second place in the Pen Parentis Writing Fellowship contest, and in 2022, she won honorable mention in the ILS Fiction Kenya Seminar Contest.

Music: The Trees (vox/keys) | appearances: tawny.frogmouth & sunshine nights (tenor sax)

YouTube: The Trees
Instagram: @beckyfinefiresheets
Bandcamp: The Trees
Email: beckyfinefiresheets_ at_ gmail _dot_com